Confidence Guaranteed
We use Paypal and E-Junkie to sell our templates. You do not require a Paypal Account or E-Junkie Account to purchase. Click the ‘Add to Cart’ button on the related template sales page.
Step 1: Click the Add to Cart Button
- The template will be added to the Cart.
Step 2: Pay with or
- Then click the ‘Pay Using PayPal’ button if you wish to pay with Paypal or the ‘Pay using Debit/Credit Card’ if you wish to pay with your Debit/Credit Card.
- You can use either Paypal or Stripe for Debit/Credit Card payments.
Step 3: Redirection for Download
- You will be directed to Paypal to pay for your template. You can use Paypal or your credit card. Follow the prompts to pay through Paypal or via Stripe.
Once you have paid your template will be immediately emailed to you. E-junkie is a very reliable document delivery system. Please check your junk email if you did not receive the email.

Downloading the Templates after Purchase
After purchasing, a link will be sent to you via email.
Click the Download button in the link sent to you. A .ZIP file will be downloaded to your computer. You must unzip this file to access the templates. Refer below.

Download Page | Click the Download Button
Extracting files from .ZIP File

The templates are delivered using a standard .ZIP file. ZIP is an archive file format that supports lossless data compression. A ZIP file may contain one or more files or directories that may have been compressed.
Review the image below for how to extract the templates from a standard .zip file.

Issues or Problems
We rarely have issues or problems with downloads. However, sometimes they do occur. If you have any issues after your purchase, do not hesitate to contact us.
We may take a bit of time to respond as we are based in Australia. We will try and respond as fast as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Immediate Access and Download
24 Hours A Day – 7 Days A Week – 365 Days A Year