Procedure Manual Template

Can you really afford to operate your business without a Procedure Manual?

A rendered image of an eBook displaying the procedure manual template. The eBook cover features a 3D rendering with a blue and red color scheme. The title 'Procedure Manual Template' is displayed prominently in white text on the cover. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
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Procedure Manual Template
44 Free Templates

Buy Now - Procedure Manual Template

USD 57
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90 Day Full Money Back Guarantee

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Easy to use MS Word Template ✔
Fully Automated Table of Contents ✔
Page Count 59 ✔
Word Count 7970 ✔
No Complex Software or Subscriptions ✔
Includes 44 Free Templates ✔
90 Day Full Money Back Guarantee ✔
Instant Download ✔
100% Secure Shopping ✔
Secure Digital Delivery by E-Junkie ✔

Remarkable Results Almost Immediately

Do you need to improve your company’s performance and profit quickly, without investing a lot of money?

Maybe you are constantly frustrated that your team overlook critical details?

Are you often concerned about the quality of delivery to your customers?

Or, are you frequently annoyed that you have to repeat yourself?

A Procedure Manual is the answer to all of the above issues and more. It will significantly increase the value and performance of your business for minimal outlay. A Procedure Manual is a ‘must have tool’ that will immediately bring positive changes to all areas of your business.

Can you really afford to operate your business without a Procedure Manual?

Can Your Business Afford Mistakes?

When your employees make mistakes or don’t pay attention to the detail, your customers suffer. Consider what your customers are thinking if your employees only know 40%, 50%, or even 80% of what they need to know.

They’re likely thinking, “I won’t be going back there…”

In such a competitive market, can your company afford this? This issue can be resolved by creating a Procedure Manual using a Procedure Manual Template.

Customers Want Consistency

A Procedure Manual is crucial for getting your business running efficiently and accurately every time your team deliver a product or service. Not every other time, not only on Wednesdays, and not only when your team feels like it.

Each and every single time.

This is what your customers want when they work with you. It’s why they keep coming back for more. Repeat customers allow your business to not only survive, but also thrive.

5 Real Benefits of A Procedure Manual

Benefit 1:

Immediately your business will become more efficient

You cannot afford for your team to perform the same task five different ways.

Or even worse, reinvent the process to complete a task every time they do it or when a new employee arrives. This is just madness.

A Procedure Manual will ensure everyone completes tasks in the same manner. If they don’t, you have grounds to fire them. In other words, you want everything done correctly and you don’t want people reinventing tasks when you have already proven the best and most efficient completion method.

You are concerned about the efficiency of your business and expect your team to be concerned as well.

Benefit 2:

You will be establishing genuine trust with your customers.

You cannot afford to not build trust with your customers.

Trust is the foundation of any successful business. Being authentic and building trust are critical to ensuring repeat customers, which builds your business in all areas.

Benefit 3:

You will have less work returned due to errors.

You cannot afford to make mistakes.

This is a big one. You must avoid making mistakes at all costs. A Procedure Manual will help to reduce the number of errors.

Maybe you think mistakes don’t matter? Make one error with a client or customer and see if they come back to you for more work. They will only return if you have a strong relationship with them and are proactive in not repeating the same mistake again.

Benefit 4:

Your team will be more confident with improved morale.

You cannot afford to have poor morale.

Poor morale undermines everything in your business.

A Procedure Manual builds morale because your team will have a better understanding of their role. Customers are more likely to be satisfied when your team is happy.

Benefit 5:

You will no longer need to act like a ‘crazy person’.

You cannot afford to be CEO – Chief Everything Officer.

Trying to keep control of your business without guidelines is difficult, if not impossible. You cannot be everywhere at the same time. However, your Procedure Manual can be. Your team can refer to the Procedure Manual at any time and use it to complete tasks accurately and efficiently. Then you can unwind a little.

A Procedure Manual will assist you in creating and defining team culture and work ethic in your business, which is exactly what you need.

An added bonus is, when new team members start in your business, they will be able to read your comprehensive Procedure Manual and learn about all the requirements of their role and position in your business.

An Extremely Fast & Easy Way to Set Up Guidelines and Benchmarks for your Team

Your team need rules. They need guideposts and benchmarks to follow. If you don’t give them anything – they will make up their own, and this is a recipe for disaster. Guideposts and benchmarks make a significant difference to the performance of your business.

MS Word is the fastest and easiest way to create a Procedure Manual to hand to your team. Using a template, you could achieve this in a few hours.

Consider the difference this will make to your business. Your team will take the time to read through it and then understand where you – the business owner – is coming from. This is a very beneficial communication tool and even more powerful when you have new team members joining your team.

Huge Time Saver Procedure Manual Template

Do you really have time to create a procedure manual from scratch? These types of manuals can take a huge amount of time and effort to create. Speed up the process of improving the performance of your business even faster by using this MS Word Procedure Manual Template.

Title Page

The following page is the title page. You can easily customize this to suit your requirements.

Title page of a Word procedure manual template. The page features the title 'Procedure Manual Template' centered at the top in bold font. Below the title, there is placeholder text that reads 'Insert Company Name' followed by 'Version X.X' indicating the version number. The background is a solid white color, providing a clean and professional appearance.
Procedure Manual Template – Title Page

Table of Contents

The next four pages are the Table of Contents. This Table of Contents has been created using Microsoft Word’s automated table of contents feature and is based on the headings in the template.

This will save you a lot of time when updating your Procedure Manual.

A five-page table of contents from a procedure manual template. Each page contains a list of sections and subsections of the manual, organized hierarchically. The text is aligned to the left, with section titles in bold font and corresponding page numbers aligned to the right. The table of contents is structured to provide easy navigation and reference for users.
Procedure Manual Template – Table of Contents Page 1
A five-page table of contents from a procedure manual template. Each page contains a list of sections and subsections of the manual, organized hierarchically. The text is aligned to the left, with section titles in bold font and corresponding page numbers aligned to the right. The table of contents is structured to provide easy navigation and reference for users.
Procedure Manual Template – Table of Contents Page 2
A five-page table of contents from a procedure manual template. Each page contains a list of sections and subsections of the manual, organized hierarchically. The text is aligned to the left, with section titles in bold font and corresponding page numbers aligned to the right. The table of contents is structured to provide easy navigation and reference for users.
Procedure Manual Template – Table of Contents Page 3
A five-page table of contents from a procedure manual template. Each page contains a list of sections and subsections of the manual, organized hierarchically. The text is aligned to the left, with section titles in bold font and corresponding page numbers aligned to the right. The table of contents is structured to provide easy navigation and reference for users.
Procedure Manual Template – Table of Contents Page 4
A five-page table of contents from a procedure manual template. Each page contains a list of sections and subsections of the manual, organized hierarchically. The text is aligned to the left, with section titles in bold font and corresponding page numbers aligned to the right. The table of contents is structured to provide easy navigation and reference for users.
Procedure Manual Template – Table of Contents Page 5

Section 1 – Welcome Message

The first section is a welcoming message for new employees. This is an opportunity to introduce your organization and the procedure manual to your team.

A page titled 'Welcome Message' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Welcome Message' at the top. Below the heading is a paragraph of text welcoming readers to the manual, possibly providing an overview of its purpose and contents. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 1 – Welcome Message
Continuation of the 'Welcome Message' section on the second page of the procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Welcome Message (continued)' at the top. Below the heading, the text continues from the previous page, providing additional information or details. The layout is consistent with the previous page, with a plain background and no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 1 – Welcome Message

Section 2 – History and Direction

Section 2 is an opportunity to communicate your history and provide direction for the future including your Vision and Mission Statement.

It is important that you have a Vision and Mission Statement for your organization to provide direction for your team and show leadership to your suppliers, clients, customers and staff. There are several to choose from or you can easily modify to suit your business.

History, Vision and Mission Statement

A page titled 'History, Vision and Mission Statement' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'History, Vision and Mission Statement' at the top. Below the heading is a paragraph of text detailing the organization's history, vision, and mission. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 2 – History and Direction
Continuation of the 'History, Vision and Mission Statement' section on the second page of the procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'History, Vision and Mission Statement (continued)' at the top. Below the heading, the text continues from the previous page, providing additional information or details. The layout is consistent with the previous page, with a plain background and no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 2 – History and Direction

Section 3 – Values

Section 3 defines values. Company Values are important for your team so they understand what your expectations are. If you don’t communicate values to your team, they will use their own values which may not be appropriate or may not meet your expectations.

Values provide a foundation for expected appropriate behavior.


A page titled 'Company Values' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Company Values' at the top. Below the heading is a list or description of the organization's core values. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 3 – Values

Section 5 – General Details

Section 5 includes space to add all your general details and also explains reporting relationships and an organizational chart.

General Details

A page titled 'General Details for the Organization' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'General Details for the Organization' at the top. Below the heading is a table format containing various details about the organization, such as its name, address, contact information, and other pertinent information. The table is neatly organized with rows and columns, facilitating easy reference. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 5 – General Details

Reporting Relationships

A page titled 'Reporting Relationships' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Reporting Relationships' at the top. Below the heading, there are text paragraphs describing the reporting structure and relationships within the organization. Additionally, an organization chart is included, visually representing the hierarchy and reporting lines. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 5 – Reporting Relationships

The next page indicates protocols for communication within your organization. You can also add online cloud based platforms that your organization uses.


A page titled 'Protocols for Communications' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Protocols for Communications' at the top. Below the heading is a table format containing various protocols and guidelines for communication within the organization. The table is neatly organized with rows and columns, detailing communication channels, procedures, and best practices. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 5 – Communication

Section 6 – Workplace Requirements

Section 6 includes a range of workplace requirements typically found in any business. There are standard workplace requirements including leave.

Workplace Requirements

A page titled 'Workplace Requirements' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Workplace Requirements' at the top. Below the heading, there are text paragraphs outlining the various requirements and policies related to the workplace. This section may cover topics such as workplace safety, security protocols, and other relevant guidelines. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 6 – Workplace Requirements

Section 7 – Health, Safety and Emergencies

Section 7 is about health, safe work practices and emergencies.

Health and Safety

A page titled 'Health, Safety, and Emergencies' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Health, Safety, and Emergencies' at the top. Below the heading, there are text paragraphs detailing the organization's policies, procedures, and protocols related to health, safety, and emergency situations in the workplace. This section may include information on emergency response plans, first aid procedures, safety guidelines, and relevant regulations. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 7 – Health, Safety and Emergencies

Emergency Requirements

A second page about 'Health, Safety, and Emergencies' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Health, Safety, and Emergencies' at the top. Below the heading, there are text paragraphs detailing the organization's policies, procedures, and protocols related to health, safety, and emergency situations in the workplace. This section may include information on emergency response plans, first aid procedures, safety guidelines, and relevant regulations. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 7 – Emergency Requirements

There is also a section to include your emergency evacuation exit maps and diagrams.

Emergency Evacuation Exits

A page titled 'Emergency Evacuation Exits' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Emergency Evacuation Exits' at the top. Below the heading, there is a description or list detailing the locations of emergency evacuation exits within the organization's premises. This information may include directions to exits, evacuation routes, and any specific procedures to follow during an emergency evacuation. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 7 – Emergency Evacuation Exits

Section 8 – Workplace Equipment

Section 8 is about workplace equipment.

A page titled 'Workplace Equipment' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Workplace Equipment' at the top. Below the heading, there are text paragraphs outlining the policies, procedures, and guidelines related to the use, maintenance, and safety of workplace equipment. This section may include information on equipment usage protocols, maintenance schedules, safety precautions, and training requirements. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 8 – Workplace Equipment

Section 9 – Workplace Standards

Section 9 includes a range of expectations.

A page titled 'Workplace Standards' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Workplace Standards' at the top. Below the heading, there are text paragraphs detailing the organization's standards, expectations, and code of conduct for employees in the workplace. This section may cover topics such as professionalism, ethics, behavior guidelines, and compliance with company policies. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 9 – Workplace Standards

Section 10 – Procedures

Section 10 includes a range of procedures. There are quite a few standard types of procedures commonly found in any business. You can easily add your own procedures to the manual as well.

A page titled 'Procedures - Introduction' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Procedures - Introduction' at the top. Below the heading, there is a paragraph introducing the Procedures section of the manual, providing an overview of its purpose and contents. This introduction may outline the importance of following procedures, the structure of the section, and how the procedures contribute to organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 10 – Procedures

Procedure Example 1 – Meeting Room Preparation

The first example is how to prepare a meeting room. Procedures should be detailed and explained in steps. If you want your team to operate in a particular manner, then including all the steps is important.

It is also a good idea to involve your team when creating the steps for each procedure. They will have a valuable contribution to creating the correct steps for each procedure.

A page titled 'Procedure Example 1 - Meeting Room Preparation' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Procedure Example 1 - Meeting Room Preparation' at the top. Below the heading, there are detailed step-by-step instructions outlining the process for preparing a meeting room. This example serves as a practical demonstration of the procedures described in the manual. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Example 1 – Meeting Room Preparation

Procedure Example 2 – How to Clean the Workplace

Example 2 is another simple example regarding cleaning the workplace. If you don’t list out the procedure step by step, you can’t expect your team to get the process correct.

A page titled 'Procedure Example 2 - How to Clean the Workplace' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Procedure Example 2 - How to Clean the Workplace' at the top. Below the heading, there are detailed step-by-step instructions outlining the process for cleaning the workplace. This example serves as a practical demonstration of the procedures described in the manual. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Example 2 – How to Clean the Workplace

Procedure Example 3 – How to Apply for Leave

Example 3 is another procedure regarding how to apply for leave. You should have procedures for all tasks in your business.

A page titled 'Procedure Example 3 - How to Apply for Leave' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Procedure Example 3 - How to Apply for Leave' at the top. Below the heading, there are detailed step-by-step instructions outlining the process for employees to apply for leave. This example serves as a practical demonstration of the procedures described in the manual. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Example 3 – How to Apply for Leave

Section 11 – Summary

Section 11 is a summary of the Procedure Manual Template.

A page titled 'Summary' within a procedure manual. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Summary' at the top. Below the heading, there is a concise summary of the entire procedure manual, highlighting key points, important procedures, and essential information covered in the manual. This summary serves as a quick reference guide for users to revisit key details as needed. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Procedure Manual Template – Section 11 – Summary

This is a detailed MS Word Procedure Manual Template that will allow you to get your system underway fast.

What is Included?

Procedure Manual Template
Microsoft Word .docx file

Page Count
59 pages

Word Count
7970 words

A screenshot of the Word interface displaying the title page and the first table of contents page of a document. The title page contains the title of the document centered at the top, followed by additional information such as the author's name and date. The first table of contents page displays a list of sections and subsections of the document, allowing the viewer to navigate through the content. The screenshot is zoomed to fill the screen, providing a clear view of the document to the buyer.
Procedure Manual Template – MS Word

Free Bonus – 44 Additional Templates

When you buy the Procedure Manual Template we include a bonus 44 templates free. These templates are all related to Procedure Manuals and operating your business more efficiently.

All templates are in Microsoft Word (.docx format) and can easily be updated to suit your business. There are policy templates, performance review templates, position descriptions and more.

As an example, check out the Anti-Bullying Policy. All other policies are just as detailed.

Anti-Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Title Page

The following page is the Title Page.

A title page of an Anti-Bullying, Discrimination, and Harassment Policy document. The page features a centered heading in bold font reading 'Anti-Bullying, Discrimination, and Harassment Policy' at the top. Below the heading, there may be additional information such as the organization's name, logo, date of issuance, and contact details. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Anti-Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Policy – Title Page


The next page shows the policy and includes relevant detail in regard to expected behavior for your team.

The first page of an Anti-Bullying, Discrimination, and Harassment Policy document. The page contains the title of the policy centered at the top, followed by the policy content. The content typically includes a statement of purpose, definitions of bullying, discrimination, and harassment, prohibited behaviors, reporting procedures, and consequences for violations. The layout is clean and organized, with clear headings and paragraphs. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Anti-Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Policy – Page 1

Employee Warning Notice

The template below is another example. This one is an Employee Warning Notice. It is a simple form that can be used for providing warnings to team members if required.

Employee Warning Notice

A one-page Employee Warning Notice template. The template contains sections for entering details such as the employee's name, date of the warning, description of the misconduct or performance issue, previous warnings if applicable, and actions required for improvement. The template may also include fields for the manager's signature and comments. The layout is structured and easy to fill out, with clear headings and sections. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
Employee Warning Notice Template – Form

All the templates listed above are included at no additional cost.

Total Inclusions

Procedure Manual Template
Microsoft Word .docx file

Page Count
59 pages

Word Count
7970 words

Additional Free Templates Count

A screenshot displaying all the files included in the download package of templates. The files are arranged in a grid or list format, showing their titles and file types. Each template is labeled with a descriptive name, such as 'Anti-Bullying Policy,' 'Employee Warning Notice,' and 'Procedure Manual Template.' The screenshot provides an overview of all the templates available in the package, indicating the total number of inclusions. The background is the interface of the file explorer or download page.
Procedure Manual Template List of Files

Previous Customer Comments

 by Tariq

You and your team have done an awesome job with the site and these templates. They are really useful and a time saver. I wish if you could divide them in different categories and have different bundles, it might be easier for users to navigate and decide which one to buy.
Anyway, awesome site, awesome content, and thank you for helping me out.

Best regards,

 by Adam Grancell

Buying something off the internet always comes with a certain amount of risk. I had full confidence buying this template from you because firstly it is through Paypal and secondly, you offer a 100% money back guarantee if I am not happy.

However, I didn’t need to request a refund because it was perfect for my needs. Thank you for saving me “tons” of time!

Adam Grancell
Fast Project Systems

by Farai Mutambanengwe

Simple, hassle-free, effective!
Like other reviewers here, I too was looking for a no-frills Standard Operating Procedures template, and when I got to David’s site, that was exactly what I saw, a purpose-made template that cuts to the chase and delivers exactly what any small business needs. Dave was also able to respond very quickly and generously to a peculiar request that I made via e-mail, so you can be assured there is a great human face behind the site 🙂 . Totally delighted with my purchase, and I strongly recommend these templates particularly for small and growing businesses looking to standardise their processes quickly.

by Joumana

Thank you I have seen your YouTube videos and they have been a great help to me. Thanks.

by Lee

Thank you! I love the document and it is perfect for what I am working on.

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Easy, Fast Results

Time-Saving Templates

Our templates are designed for simplicity – easy to use and quick to implement. Open them in Microsoft Word, locate the highlighted sections, and tailor them to your specific needs.

Customize in Minutes with Red Highlights

To assist you in quickly and easily customizing our templates, all items that require customization are highlighted in red.

Simply use Microsoft Word’s Find and Replace tool (Ctrl+H), to identify and replace all relevant items in a single command, or scroll through and change the items highlighted in red.

A screenshot demonstrating the 'Find, Select, and Replace' feature in Microsoft Word. The image shows the Word interface with the search toolbar open, displaying options for finding, selecting, and replacing text within a document. Users can input search terms and specify parameters for the search. The background is the Word interface, with various menu options and buttons visible.
Find and Replace Tool | MS Word

Risk Free 100% Full Money-back Guarantee

A circular logo with the text '100% 90 days money back guarantee' arranged in a circular format. The text is bold and centered within the circle. The background of the circle is a solid black color. This logo is commonly used to indicate a money-back guarantee offer.

Guarantee 1
Our Rock Solid Guarantee

SAVE TIME and IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS using our templates, or we’ll refund your money.

If you’re not completely satisfied, we provide a 100% money-back guarantee – no questions asked. Our templates are designed to streamline your document creation process, making your business more efficient and profitable. No strings attached. If needed, you’ll receive a full refund, guaranteed.

Easy to Purchase ✔
Instant Download ✔
100% Safe and Secure Shopping ✔
Simple to Customize and Use ✔
90-Day Full Money-Back Guarantee ✔
No Questions Asked ✔

Guarantee 2
Additional Paypal Guarantee

Paypal Buyer Protection also guarantees your purchase.
PayPal Buyer Protection safeguards your purchase, ensuring you receive what you paid for.
As a secure and trusted payment method, PayPal allows you to use your credit card with confidence. You can trust that you’re working with a reputable supplier, and if anything goes wrong, you’re guaranteed a full refund.

A side-by-side arrangement of the PayPal and Stripe logos. The PayPal logo is in color, featuring the company's distinctive blue and white double 'P' symbol. The Stripe logo is in black, displaying the company's stylized letter 'S'. The logos are positioned next to each other against a plain background.
An image depicting a guaranteed safe checkout, commonly seen online. The image features a padlock symbol, Stripe logo, and credit card logos arranged together. The padlock symbolizes security, while the PayPal and credit card logos indicate accepted payment methods. The background is likely a white to enhance visibility.
A support small business logo from PayPal, featuring a blue circular design with a large 'P' in the middle. The logo is intended to signify support for small businesses and may include additional text or graphics. The background is half light blue and half dark blue, allowing the logo to stand out.

You can download the templates instantly after purchase.

Buy Now - Procedure Manual Template

USD 57
Shop with Full Confidence
90 Day Full Money Back Guarantee

A logo of PayPal, featuring the company's distinctive double 'P' symbol in blue and white. The 'P' letters are interlinked, forming a recognizable emblem. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.

Building a Procedure Manual is not just a smart move – it’s an urgent one. This powerful tool brings your team into alignment, streamlines your operations, and drives real, measurable improvements in your business. Best of all, it’s highly cost-effective and delivers results fast.

Don’t wait to fix the way your business runs. With our ready-made templates, you can create your Procedure Manual quickly and effortlessly, saving countless hours and ensuring consistency across your organization.

Act now and fix how your business operates. Create your manual using templates and save a huge amount of time.


An image of a handwritten signature of the name 'David'. The signature is written in cursive script, with the letters 'D', 'a', 'v', 'i', and 'd' connected in a fluid and legible manner. The background is plain, allowing the signature to stand out.


P.S. Our product prices increase over time as we continue to add upgrades, improvements, and meet growing demand. Secure your Procedure Manual Template for your business today – not just to lock in this price, but to start experiencing the benefits of having a professional, well-structured system in place right away. Don’t wait – your team and business deserve the best!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this complicated Software or Subscriptions?

No. This is not complicated software requiring an ongoing subscription or annual fee. It is a one off payment. There is no huge learning curve either. Just purchase, download and get on with the task of creating your documents quickly, easily and with no fuss using MS Word and MS Excel templates.

Do I need a Paypal account to purchase?

No, you do not need a Paypal account to purchase our products. You can pay with Paypal or use your credit card.

Can I use a Credit Card to purchase?

Yes, you can use a credit card to purchase our products. We use as our credit card merchant. Or you can use your credit card through

I tried to download the file but there is nothing there

The file you need to download is a .ZIP file. As soon as you purchase, it will immediately be emailed to you. All the templates are in the .ZIP file and you need to unzip the file to use them. Read more here. How to Purchase and Download

How will my information be used?

Your information will not be used whatsoever without your permission. In other words, your email address will not be sold or spammed.

Will these templates help my business?

Yes, these templates are detailed and formatted to provide you with information you need to create your own documents. They are easy to download, update and use, and will assist you to improve your business faster.

Will I get on a spam list?

No. We may add you to our newsletter list. However you can ‘opt out’ at any time. Above all, you will not be spammed. We use MailerLite for our electronic newsletter to keep in touch with our customers.

Will I be the victim of identity theft?

No. Paypal, Stripe and e-Junkie provide a 100% secure system to perform transactions.

Will the purchase arrive on time?

Yes. As soon as you have paid for your purchase, you will immediately receive a download link via email. However, please remember to also check your ‘Junk Email’ as if you have not received your link immediately as the email could be in your ‘Junk Email Inbox’.

Should you not receive the download link, please contact us immediately and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Please note, the time zone of your country may effect our response time, however we will respond as soon as we can. Our business is located in Australia.

AEST – Australian Eastern Standard Time.

Will I actually get what I ordered?

Yes, you can shop with full confidence. We promise to deliver to you and stand by this promise with a 90 day 100% full refund policy. Further to this, Paypal guarantees your transaction so you can shop with full confidence.

Can I make changes to the templates and add my own information?

Yes. The majority of the templates are Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel files. They are easy to download and easy to use. You can easily add or remove content and customize the templates to suit your needs. A lot of the templates also have an automated Table of Contents. It is simple to make changes and then update the Table of Contents field so your Table of Contents is also updated. In addition, if you have any problems we can assist.

Will unexpected fine print charges be added to my order without my knowledge?

No. There are no further charges. No monthly subscriptions either. You have the right to use the templates within our terms of agreement of purchase. There are no monthly fee or hidden charges. Similarly, what you see above is the only and final fee.

Will anyone respond if I have problems after buying?

Yes. However, there may be a delay in our response. Depending on your country timezone, we will respond as soon as we can. Please note, we aim to respond to your requests within the shortest possible time.

Will it be easy to dispute or cancel my transaction?

Yes. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we will refund your money 100%. However, we would love some feedback from you so we can improve our product should you believe it could be better.

I did not receive a download link after paying

Please do not panic. e-Junkie is a reliable document delivery system and it is unlikely this will occur. The file you are downloading is a .ZIP file. However, if you have any issues, we will email you the download link as soon as we can.

Why are the templates priced the way they are?

Researching and creating templates and maintaining this website takes a huge amount of time and effort and therefore our templates are priced accordingly. We aim to provide professional templates that are all individually created and reviewed, not random templates that can be found for free online.

The website briefly redirected through e-Junkie. Is this safe?

Yes, it is safe. When you click on the Proceed to Pay button, you will be redirected briefly through to or (Credit Card Payment) depending on how you choose to pay. We use e-Junkie to deliver our documents electronically so you receive them immediately – 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week.

Buy Now - Procedure Manual Template

USD 57
Shop with Full Confidence
90 Day Full Money Back Guarantee

A logo of PayPal, featuring the company's distinctive double 'P' symbol in blue and white. The 'P' letters are interlinked, forming a recognizable emblem. The background is plain, with no additional visual elements.
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Procedure Manual Template
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
James Miles
Jul 1, 2019
 by James Miles
Already Started to Use the Template

I have already started to use the template and customize it to my specific needs. I have looked all over the internet and your template is by far the easiest to use and modify. Anyone who is looking to get a quick start on a procedure manual that is easy to modify and continuously update, would be well served to purchase your template as it is a “Real Bargain” at the price.
James Miles
Consolidated Community Management, Inc.
Tamarac, Florida

May 6, 2019
 by Racine
Cost Much Less Than Anything Else

My search for a procedures manual template took me several days. I was getting really worried when I would read articles that claimed that it takes a few months to write one. Then, after perseverance, I ended up on this website where the template cost much less than anything else I found online. At first, I thought it would be something very simple and basic. To my great surprise, it had everything I needed. This Procedures Manual Template will expedite the process of compiling one for your company while sustaining the quality.

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